Blind Guys Chat
A place where the blind guys talk about the A to Z of life

#078: Please don’t distract me, I’m a working dog!

1 year ago

Hello our little butterflies and thank you for tuning into this week’s show. At long last we are a family again as Stuart managed to bribe his sherpas to come back up the mountain and rescue him from the flagpole. They then drop kicked him all the way over to the BGC studio just in time to record this episode with us. As usual the guys are talking about the weather and in particular storm ‘Betty’ which roared through Ireland over the weekend. Have you any weather stories? Let us know by emailing [email protected]. Stuart has purchased a new iPhone 12 SE and is loving the return of a home button. But is it an upgrade or downgrade and is Jan tempted to make a purchase also? Are passwords about to become a thing of the past? Apparently, Microsoft, Apple and Google are all working together on an alternative to pesky passwords. What do you think? Will it ever happen? Óran really hopes so, cos he hates Microsoft Authenticator for its lack of proper accessibility. Does your guide doggy get distracted? Well Jade McCormack, Jan and Óran have a chat about this topic and would be very interested to hear from anyone who is having similar problems. It would be great to hear any good ideas around how to deal with distracted doggies, and the people/things who distract them. Share your stories here: [email protected]. In TV corner, Stuart and Óran are talking about ‘Hijack’ on Apple TV and ‘The 6th Commandment’ on BBC. Clodagh has news on Braille gift cards available from Marks and Spencers: The guys are in trouble with a new listener, as we forgot to post the link to Nora Casey’s Van de Graaff yokey in the last episode’s show notes, so here it is: Sorry listeners, but better late than never, right?! Kevin Farrell is wondering if the Blind Guys are being head hunted by RTÉ? In case you didn’t hear there was a bit of trouble recently involving a presenter and it seems the Blind Guys could be taking over a radio slot, and maybe even a major chat show -  woohoo! Finally, do you want a laugh? Have a listen to this very funny air traffic controller’s after dinner speech that Óran mentioned during the show: So, strip off your radioactive suit; stop pumping plutonium into the Yellow Sea; and get ready for the most listened to podcast on the moon: Blind Guys Chat! 17 out of 20 Russian space probes prefer it to crashing and burning on the moon’s surface.

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Blind Guys Chat 2020