Blind Guys Chat
A place where the blind guys talk about the A to Z of life

#098: Worse than a wet sheep

1 month ago

Hello our little flu germs and welcome to the show. This week Jan and Óran have been left doing the show unsupervised with no responsible adult to keep them in check so prepare for any kind of conversations.

We get the chat going with football/soccer. It appears that Jan's local team have not been doing so well in the last few games, losing 2-1 and 7-1 in their last 2 games. To celebrate this, some of the fans decided to offer the players their scarves and hats in an attempt to keep them warm out on the pitch. No, literally warm! They set fire to hats and scarves. After this fantastic display of sportsmanship, Jan decided to take our good friend Mohamed down to Frankfurt for Sight City 2024. But they did manage to break the train before they arrived. Naughty boys!

While in Frankfurt the 2 fellas were wined and dined on a menu of German cheese which apparently tasted worse than a wet sheep. Yuck!!

Are you interested in becoming the next Prime Minister of the Netherlands? Well, throw your hat in the ring because it appears that after 6 months of debate, no politician wants to become PM.

Óran, Clodagh and Larry recently travelled on a “vomit commit” - a plane so small that Larry had to be given his own seat because he couldn’t fit between the rows of seats. Larry rose to the challenge and is now a black belt in the call button, the air-con twisty nozzle thing, window watching on both sides of the plane, and getting attention from everyone, including the captain and co-pilot.

Óran tells us what it is like to walk under and into Concord, and what a Bristol 450 racing car feels like.

So, fasten your seatbelts. lift up that pointy nose, taxi out to the runway and enjoy the caviar of podcasts: Blind Guys Chat.

7 out of 10 prop-engine planes prefer it to supersonic flight.

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Blind Guys Chat 2020