Blind Guys Chat
A place where the blind guys talk about the A to Z of life

#091: Anyone seen my balls?

4 months ago

Hello our newborn Robins. We hope you are well and ready for another exciting and delightful episode of your favourite podcast. On this show our guest host is Mohammed Laachir. Mohammed lives in the Netherlands, and is one of the people in Vispero who brought us the fantastic split sound feature in JAWS, and also worked on the split Braille function for Braille displays.

Have you ever tried skiing? Well Jan has, but apparently, he has problems hearing his instructors and has ended up in the trees a few times. No such issues for Mohammed as he snowboards on the baby slopes, ahem… indoors!!

Have you ever lost your balls? No; not those balls! The roller ball from your cane? Well, Mohammed has, and apparently not even a Jesus-loving preacher could find it for him. Oh, and Mo has a cool cane called the All-Terrain Cane (ATC) from Do you have one? Let us know what you think: email us on [email protected].

Mohammed is also doing great things for our demographic as he is down with the kids. Yes, he has played video games and also uses dating apps like Bumble. But the poor fella has had some bad experiences. Can you believe this - sometimes his date leaves because they realise he is blind. How rude! However, Jan and Óran come to the rescue; they suggest he gets a guide dog because that'll get him into a relationship quicker than a formula 1 car on 3 wheels trying to get into the pit lane.

Have you heard of the Google Accessible Discovery Centre? Well Jan has been to London recently to visit the Centre. It's a space where engineers, researchers, product teams and partners can build new kinds of accessible technologies to help remove barriers that people with disabilities face every day. We are going to be chatting to Christopher Patnoe from Google in a couple of weeks, so keep your ears peeled for that, but in the meantime let's find out from Jan what it's all about.

Clodagh's got an email from Etta who is informing the guys that it's snowdrops that are white and beginning to blossom and that daffodils are yellow. Get it right lads! And we have an audio message from some bloke called Stuart. Then Clodagh has a bone to pick with her husband. Oh nohhhhh, duck for cover!

So why not take a city break this weekend in Alaska, and as you sit snuggled in your igloo, let the warm and sultry voices of Blind Guys Chat distract you from the wolves trying to eat your face off. Blind Guys Chat: 7 and a half out of 10 skiers prefer it to slamming into trees.

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Blind Guys Chat 2020