#113: Turkey's roasting on an open fire!
The BGC Christmas show

Speaker B:3, 2, 1. And I forgot the number of the podcast.
Speaker C:Is it 113?
Speaker D:No, 11413.
Speaker B:Isn't it?
Speaker C:Oh, God, this is bad.
Speaker D:Oh, my God.
Speaker B:Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to episode 113 of Blind Guys Chat. It's the Christmas episod. Hey, you're all. Hold, please hold your applause, please hold your welcome, ladies and gentlemen. It's our Christmas quiz. Our annual bi, biannual, annual, one time only quiz for 2024. And you're all very, very welcome. And we have nine households who are ready and willing to answer questions on anything that I care to put them. So I'm just in vote and Farrell to take some questions for Veronica Hicks while Veronica is not playing the game. Okay. Anna's probably now going, okay, sounds good. Why did I say, why did I fly to St. Louis? Okay, so we had Veronica Hicks and Anne Farrell is going to take over from Veronica just for the moment. So let me go through Veronica Hicks. We have in London, we have Blind Gordon Anthony. In Scotland.
Speaker A:You do it better than I do.
Speaker C:Oh, I love you.
Speaker B:Who else do we have? We don't have Brian. Brian Dalton, unfortunately, he's. He's not. Well. Get better soon, Brian. We have Dave Nason in Dublin. Dave, I forget where. What part of the Dublin you're. You're calling from is it these days. Oh, really?
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker B:Very near the. The tennis court. The tennis club. Yeah. Good man.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:Okay, we have Kevin Farrell, Molly Farrell and Anne Farrell, who are, believe it or not, all from the same family.
Speaker D:True.
Speaker C:Well, in fairness, one by marriage, but.
Speaker B:Still one by marriage.
Speaker E:Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker D:Look, Kevin and Molly, that's a good point there.
Speaker B:Kevin, Molly and Anne are in St. Louis, Missouri at the moment. What's the weather like? Please, folks, tell us.
Speaker E:Clear and chilly. It's 30, maybe 30 Fahrenheit. I'd have to do quick math there, but.
Speaker C:Minus one, that is chilly.
Speaker D:Oh, yeah.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah. Well, you're very welcome. And on the. Just a little bit further north east, if I'm correct. Well, I think I am. Beyond New York is Nora Nagel. Nora in Boston. How are you?
Speaker F:Very cold. How are you?
Speaker B:I don't know. Have you not got the heating on? You're not allowed to put the heating on.
Speaker F:We. No, it did snow and it's now minus eight and everything's frozen solid and it's a nightmare.
Speaker B:Clodagh wants to move there right now.
Speaker C:I do. I love snow so much.
Speaker B:And in County Clare, in Ennis, to be precise, on the west coast, Of Ireland, we have Dirgerfi and Paul Fy. Is Paul there? I can't remember. Are you just playing in your own. Hi, Paul.
Speaker C:You're Paul Fahey, are you?
Speaker B:Oh, no, of course, no. Sorry, Finnegan. Sorry, he's not qualified.
Speaker G:Oh, no. He was flattered when he called him Paul Fahio. He's almost as flattered as being. As. It's almost as much a privilege to be called Paul Fahey as it is to be Larry's godfather.
Speaker C:That's so lovely.
Speaker B:Yes, Larry. My guide dog is Paul. Paul and Deirdre raised Larry when he was very young, when he was a little puppy. And he loves both of them, adores them. Yeah.
Speaker G:And the feeling's mutual.
Speaker C:Deirdre's the original mammy, you see, Just the kind of spare mommy.
Speaker G:You're the real mommy and I'm the godmother.
Speaker C:It's lovely.
Speaker B:Who else? I said Dave Nason. I did.
Speaker C:Y.
Speaker B:Who did I forget? Nor. I said Kevin and Kevin. Kevin. Kevin Sherwin. Kevin and Kevin.
Speaker C:Kate and Kate Sharon.
Speaker B:No, it's not. It's not Kate. It's Kevin's ma'am. I'm sorry, cuz. That's the. That's the way Kate. Isn't that right? Isn't that how you were introduced on. On. On Kevin's podcast?
Speaker C:Absolutely.
Speaker B:It's Kevin's man.
Speaker C:Hi, everybody. Hello.
Speaker B:Hello.
Speaker C:This is Kevin's mom.
Speaker D:Oh, that's good. Nice to meet you.
Speaker B:If you haven't listened to Kevin's podcast, which you should do things gay people like, Kevin does an excellent interview with his mom on the podcast, and it is one of the best podcasts that Kevin's ever made because it's a beautiful. It's a beautiful discussion.
Speaker C:Really sweet.
Speaker H:Full credit to my mom on that. It was the 50th episode and my mam has kind of been in each episode at the end. And so I was thinking, what'll I do for the 50th episode? And it just made sense when I thought, actually, I'll have my mom as my guest. And then at the end of every episode, my mom says what she thinks about the topic. And I thought, I have to stick to a format. So at the end of that episode, she chimed in with what she thinks about herself at the end.
Speaker B:Very good.
Speaker H:Yeah, it was a fun one. It was a fun one.
Speaker C:I love.
Speaker B:We put you in the show notes.
Speaker D:We'll put you in the show notes.
Speaker C:Yeah. Well, in fairness, you made Kevin, so I mean, it was good that he made one show. All about you. You. Absolutely. No doubt about it.
Speaker B:Stuart Lawler and Jade, his partner, are. Is here as well. And Stuart, you are very welcome to the show. I know it's. I know you've never been on a show like this before, but we just want to, you know, welcome you with as much love and what other kind of words could I use? Embrace. And where's the red carpet?
Speaker C:Yeah, it's here, but it's not.
Speaker I:It's great to be back for the. I couldn't say no to the annual blind guys chat.
Speaker D:Whoa.
Speaker I:Great to be back and great to hear all your great work during the year, guys. Doing a great job.
Speaker C:Thank you very much.
Speaker B:Yeah, we'll be testing you.
Speaker D:We're flattered.
Speaker I:Okay, let's see how much I've been listening exactly.
Speaker B:This year I've kind of taken a kind of stolen an idea of an old program. And he used to watch game show called 15 to 1. And basically it had 15 contestants, and each contestant was just playing for themselves and there was no conferring. So the. The deal is, as Clodagh has said already, we're playing by household tonight, with one exception for the moment, which is Anne Farrell, who is playing at the moment for Veronica Hicks. I'm going to ask each of you one question, and for each question you get right, you are going to get two points. And if you happen to get it wrong, I will offer it to the next person in line to answer the same question for one point, but I won't give it to anybody else.
Speaker C:May I interject briefly?
Speaker B:Yes, please.
Speaker C:Will you talk about lives?
Speaker B:Yes, I will.
Speaker C:Good.
Speaker B:Feeling. My one's coming to an end very quickly.
Speaker C:Oh, yeah.
Speaker B:So as well as me asking you each individual questions, you also have three lives only for the. For the whole quiz. So if you get a question wrong, not only do you not get those points, but you also lose a life. So an Farrell, who was Donald McTrumpy Trump's opponent in the 2024 US election, Kamala Harris. Well, sir. Hey.
Speaker E:I'm for a commercial break.
Speaker B:This isn't a Super Bowl. Gordon, you're on.
Speaker D:Oh.
Speaker B:In the 1965 movie the Sound of Music, Julie Andrews plays the character of Maria, who leaves the nunnery to go and be a governess. To what family?
Speaker D:Oh, my God.
Speaker A:Oh, jee. Possibly one of my least favorite films of all time.
Speaker B:Really?
Speaker A:I was. I was dragged to the cinema by my parents to watch it.
Speaker E:Oh.
Speaker A:It was shot in Salzburg. I could tell you that.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Over on top.
Speaker B:Very good.
Speaker C:Lovely.
Speaker B:So Deirdre Paul, you're up next.
Speaker G:Okay.
Speaker B:What is the most popular Christmas carol worldwide?
Speaker C:We go.
Speaker G:Silent Night.
Speaker B:Well done.
Speaker C:Oh, well done. That was a good guess. In fairness, I wouldn't have known that, would you?
Speaker D:I thought that was Mariah Carey.
Speaker C:You know, it was a Christmas Carol, though.
Speaker G:It's in a lot of languages. That's why I figured.
Speaker D:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:Dave Nason is up next. Okay.
Speaker C:No need to be nervous now. You're grand.
Speaker B:The port of Holyhead in Wales has been closed for the last few weeks due to a storm. What is that storm's name?
Speaker E:It was Storm Dara.
Speaker B:Well done, Dave. Nora, you're up next.
Speaker F:Oh, God help me.
Speaker B:You're gonna love this. Under which plant is one kissed? Under. Sorry. Under Christmas.
Speaker F:Mistletoe.
Speaker B:Well done, Nora. Yay, Kevin and Kevin's. Ma'am, are you ready?
Speaker H:Yes.
Speaker B:What is the name of the period leading up to Christmas marked by candles and a wreath?
Speaker D:Oh, Advent.
Speaker C:Well done.
Speaker B:Well done.
Speaker H:Thank you.
Speaker C:Yeah, I voted against that question. I just like this, the gorgeous show.
Speaker D:Oh, really.
Speaker B:Mr. Yambrom?
Speaker D:Yep.
Speaker B:There's potentially. There's two answers to this, so I'll take. I'll take either. What fruit is commonly used to decorate a Christmas ham in the United States?
Speaker D:You. An orange.
Speaker B:Is that your answer?
Speaker D:Yeah, I think so.
Speaker B:Oh, no, no, no. Kevin and Molly. Yeah, It's.
Speaker D:Oh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:You know it. Go on. Pineapple. Well done.
Speaker D:Ah, that's a good one.
Speaker C:You get one point for that, right?
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah. One point for that. Yeah.
Speaker C:Very good.
Speaker B:And I'm running out of Bailey's.
Speaker D:No worries.
Speaker G:What was the alternative answer to pineapple?
Speaker B:Cherries.
Speaker G:Oh, okay.
Speaker E:Wow.
Speaker C:Some people use pineapple and cherries. That real 70s. You know, those 70s cookbooks with the. I don't know why anyone would. Really disgusting.
Speaker B:Kevin, Molly. Europe. What? Traditional German bread is filled with spices, nuts and dried fruit.
Speaker C:Starts with a. I can't say it starts with an R. Is that.
Speaker E:That's not enough? I don't know. You just made one.
Speaker B:No.
Speaker C:Well, a fruitcake, but. But that's not German. You need a German name for it.
Speaker E:I don't have any German background. Neither does she.
Speaker B:Think of a Russian leader.
Speaker C:It's R U, T something. Is that it? Lach or Las. No, it's not pentaton. That's Italian.
Speaker B:Huh?
Speaker C:I don't know.
Speaker E:I have no idea.
Speaker C:I'll have to pass.
Speaker B:It's Stalin, bro. I have to put a disclaimer at the next question. Oh, the picking of. Who was getting these questions in what Order was completely random. It was done by two girls, young girls, earlier on today. Lily, who's six, and I think Sophie, who's also five. Five or six. So this question might seem a little unfair. Which member of Blind Guys Chat left the show in January 2024?
Speaker I:Can I just say, I love those.
Speaker H:Two six year olds.
Speaker B:That's the end of round one there to ease. Basically, they're the easy questions. So well done everybody, except for Jan. Yeah. What's the scores on the Doors?
Speaker C:Scores in the Doors are we have seven people in the lead with two points. And then we've Kevin and Molly with one point and Jan with zero points. I'm sorry, Yan.
Speaker D:Okay, no worries.
Speaker C:And everybody else has two points. Well done.
Speaker B:So we're into round two and this is the round that Clauda put together. So thank you very much, Claudia. And I don't know if I'm gonna. She'd be able to sing all these. But anyway, this is the music round. So we're back to Anne Farrell and you've got to complete this line of lyrics. So I'm gonna. I'm gonna try and sing a little bit of for you. Ellen, you've got to make up. You've got to tell me what the next line is. He knows when you are sleeping he knows he knows when you're awake he knows when you're excellent or good.
Speaker C:So be good for goodness sake.
Speaker B:Well done, Anne Gordon, you're up again.
Speaker A:Oh, great.
Speaker B:On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 12 drummers drumming, 11 pipers piping 10 lords are leaping nine.
Speaker A:Oh, there's a lady's waiting.
Speaker B:Oh, wow. Well done, well done.
Speaker C:Not quite, though.
Speaker B:I will give it to him.
Speaker C:What did you say?
Speaker A:Ladies waiting. But I'm not sure.
Speaker B:It's not. Not exactly nine ladies dancing.
Speaker C:Are we giving them the full two?
Speaker B:Yeah, you are giving them the full too? Yes.
Speaker A:Oh, thank you very much. That's very generous.
Speaker B:Dear John, Paul is Europe. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know where the treetops glisten and children listen. Next line.
Speaker G:You hear sleigh bells in the snow.
Speaker B:Well done.
Speaker C:Yes, you're absolutely, perfectly correct, Deirdre. Well done.
Speaker G:Did you get Paul's harmony there?
Speaker C:I missed it.
Speaker G:Oh, okay. You wasn't close enough to the microphone.
Speaker B:To Dave Nason. Okay, so here we go. A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Let's hope it's a good one without any tears. I got to give it to you, cuz. I gave one earlier on, but without any fear.
Speaker C:Oh, I eat it. Or you could. You could do what a friend of mine used to do, which was without any beers.
Speaker D:Oh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:No, we're not hoping for that. Now who's on Nora? Where the only water flowing is the bitter sting of tears and the Christmas bells that ring There are the clanging chimes of doom Next line.
Speaker C:Oh, it's very tough.
Speaker F:I. Oh, I know the song.
Speaker C:Will we give you a clue?
Speaker F:Sure.
Speaker B:Well, the guy who sang it.
Speaker F:I know who sang it.
Speaker B:Who's the guy who sang it?
Speaker F:Bono.
Speaker B:Yeah. And what didn't he like about this line? He didn't want to sing this line. Why not?
Speaker F:Oh.
Speaker D:Oh, my God.
Speaker F:I'm drawing in a complete blank. I'm kicking myself here.
Speaker B:Okay, we're gonna, you know. You gonna pass? Are you gonna not give me an answer?
Speaker F:I will pass, of course.
Speaker B:Okay. Okay. Let's handle. Now, this is. I mean, he's. He's definitely going to get this. We're gonna hand this over to Kevin and Kevin's mum, Kate.
Speaker H:Hello.
Speaker C:Hello.
Speaker B:For a point. Do you know what the next line is?
Speaker C:They definitely know the next line is based on their faces.
Speaker H:Think so. Do you want to sing it?
Speaker B:No.
Speaker H:You think it is well, tonight.
Speaker B:Well, Floating.
Speaker F:Nasty sentiment.
Speaker C:It's a terrible sentiment.
Speaker H:Not great. Not great.
Speaker C:Honestly.
Speaker B:We're over to Kevin and Kevin's mum, Kate.
Speaker C:So the choir of children sing their song they practiced all year long.
Speaker H:Is that.
Speaker C:Yeah, that's it.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker H:Ding dong, ding dong Is it that?
Speaker C:I think it is. Yes.
Speaker B:That's right. Well done.
Speaker D:Oh, that's good.
Speaker B:Oh, wow.
Speaker H:I didn't sing it, though. Sorry.
Speaker B:Christmas by Paul McCartney.
Speaker C:Yeah. Oh, very good.
Speaker B:Okay. Yeah. Your question.
Speaker D:Yeah. Oh, my God. Ding dong, ding dong. I think that's also a good one. Hey, that was a Eurovision Song Festival. Hey.
Speaker B:Okay, your question. Your question. Come on, everybody. Everybody line up.
Speaker C:So Jan's question.
Speaker B:Yeah. Okay. Top to toe and tailbacks. Oh, I got red lights all around but soon there'll be a freeway yeah. Yep.
Speaker D:Home for Christmas. I don't know. I have no clue, Oren.
Speaker B:Okay, well, pass it on. Who's. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah we pass it.
Speaker D:On yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I.
Speaker B:Have Kevin and Molly. Do you know. Are you familiar with that song?
Speaker E:Could you sing it again or.
Speaker D:That's a good one.
Speaker B:Top to toe and tailbacks Oh, I got red lights all around but soon there'll be a freeway Next line.
Speaker E:That's a nice thing.
Speaker C:Give them the first two I don't have a clue. Yeah, don't know that.
Speaker B:Get my.
Speaker C:We'll have to pass.
Speaker B:Okay, well, I'm not handing it on. Okay, that's. So that. That. The. The answer is Get My Feet on Holy Ground. It's a song by an artist in Europe called Chris Ria. And the song is called Driving Home for Christmas. You did. In fairness, you don't get any points. There's no points for it yet.
Speaker C:Yeah, sure, I know.
Speaker B:We're moving on to Kevin and Molly.
Speaker C:Two more.
Speaker B:Here comes Santa Claus Here comes Santa cl. Next line.
Speaker E:Right down Santa Claus Lane.
Speaker C:Very good.
Speaker E:I'm glad you didn't ask for the next line.
Speaker C:I don't know it either.
Speaker B:Okay, Claudia, can you read out the next question? The next one for Stuart and Jade?
Speaker C:I can.
Speaker B:Because I can't think of the air.
Speaker C:Oh, I can't either. What a. What a bright time it's the right time to rock the night away Jingle bell time is a swell time to.
Speaker G:Go riding in a one horse sleigh Nearly.
Speaker B:Oh, no, no.
Speaker I:Give us a point.
Speaker C:Brilliant. Well done.
Speaker B:So that's the end of round two, everybody. Well done. Scores, please.
Speaker C:Cloda. Okay, so we have. Dan Farrell has four points, which is the top. She could have done so. Very well done. Gordon is. Has four. Deirdre and Paul have four. Dave Nason has four. Nora Nagel has two and has lost a life. So she's down to two lives. So watch yourself there, Nora, Kevin and Kate have. You're in the lead. Sorry, With. With five. I'm afraid Jan is not in the best of form. He's down to one life, so you need to watch yourself.
Speaker D:Down to one life already.
Speaker C:So. Sorry. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker D:But we got three points from the club. You know, that's for.
Speaker C:For the football. Well, yeah, football. Yeah. Kevin and Molly have three points and they're on two lives left. And Stuart and Jade have four points and they. Three lives. Yeah.
Speaker B:So we're into. We're into round three. Okay, over to you.
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker B:In the movie Bad Santa, which actor played the role of Santa?
Speaker C:The only one I can think of is Billy Bob Thornton.
Speaker B:Well done, Gordon. Which king was crowned king on Christmas Day 1066?
Speaker A:The answer is William the Conqueror.
Speaker B:You're so good. Well done.
Speaker C:Managed to insult him.
Speaker B:He loves the England. He. He. Does he. Especially the England football team. Dear John Paul, what sport was the movie Challengers based on?
Speaker G:You lost us at the word sport. It's called Challengers. Is it?
Speaker B:It's called Challengers. Yeah, it's A movie that came out this year.
Speaker C:Oh, this year.
Speaker B:In fact, the writer has had two movies. One is called Challengers, and the other is called Queer, which Daniel Craig is starring in.
Speaker C:Did he write both of those?
Speaker G:Wow.
Speaker B:He did, Yeah.
Speaker G:I. Challengers. I'm gonna. I'm gonna suggest. Well, we go for boxing or something like that. Challengers. You know, the way. It's a. It's kind of aggressive. Word challenges. What do you think? You think we go boxing?
Speaker B:You'll go boxing. Unfortunately, you're wrong. It is tennis. All right, Dave, which Russian political leader resigned on Christmas Day, 1991?
Speaker C:That was before Dave was born.
Speaker B:I wish.
Speaker E:Gorbachev.
Speaker B:Well done.
Speaker C:Very good, Nora.
Speaker B:Ooh.
Speaker F:Oh, no, I don't like the sound of that.
Speaker B:In which country do children leave out shoes at Christmas instead of stockings?
Speaker F:Would that be the Netherlands?
Speaker B:That would be the Netherlands. Well done. Where are we going now?
Speaker C:Kevin and Kate.
Speaker B:Kevin, in which country do children go dressed as shepherds and go door to door in search for Christmas gifts?
Speaker H:Do you know?
Speaker G:I have no idea.
Speaker H:If we get this wrong, we're only pretending not to know it.
Speaker B:In which country do children dress in shepherd's clothing and sing Carolyn Barrels going door to door in search of Christmas gifts?
Speaker H:Yeah, sure.
Speaker C:Try Germany.
Speaker H:We're gonna try Germany. Please.
Speaker B:Okay, I'm gonna pass it on.
Speaker C:Lost a life. The two K's.
Speaker B:And I'm gonna give it to Jan. I'm gonna give it to Jan.
Speaker D:I have no clue.
Speaker B:The answer is Mexico.
Speaker D:Belgium. Mexico.
Speaker B:Answer is Mexico.
Speaker H:Germany.
Speaker C:Mexico.
Speaker H:Like much of the Much in the snow.
Speaker C:Okay, so Jan's actual question then. And Yan, be very careful because you've only one life left.
Speaker B:So sung by greats like Mel Torme and Nat King Cole, the Christmas song opens with a line about what? Roasted holiday treat. Think of knocking. Cole. Yeah, just think of Napkin Cole. And what song did he usually sing? Or what do you usually hear him singing on the radio around this time?
Speaker D:Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks, Kevin, but I, I, I'm. I'm totally flabbergasted. I don't know. Sorry, Oren.
Speaker B:Okay, but I will.
Speaker D:Don't say anything. Otherwise.
Speaker C:There is a clue in the. There is a clue in the question.
Speaker D:Oh, yeah, for sure.
Speaker F:One word is very important.
Speaker C:Roasted holiday treat.
Speaker D:Roasted. Roasted turkey.
Speaker C:Somebody actually said it.
Speaker B:Okay, Molly. Molly said anything. All right, I'm going to give a point to Molly and Kevin and Anne because you said chestnuts, even though. Even though you haven't been nasty yet.
Speaker E:But hang on, we did know that one.
Speaker C:Can we take A moment of sadness and sorrow because that means poor Jan has lost his final life.
Speaker D:Oh, my God.
Speaker C:And he's out of the competition and I'm sorry.
Speaker D:Oh, sorry. No worries.
Speaker E:I'd like to hear him sing Turkeys Roasting on the Open Fire.
Speaker B:According to Nora, they're stupid turkeys because they just fly into trees and buildings. Buildings. And that's true.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker C:And they start.
Speaker F:And they stalk you too.
Speaker B:Okay, Kevin and Molly, over to you for your next question. In the movie It's a Wonderful Life, George makes a promise to Mary. What is that promise?
Speaker C:I think I do. Amen. Jason.
Speaker B:In the movie It's a Wonderful Life, George made a promise to Mary. What was that price?
Speaker C:Something. If this difference. I need you something. An angel.
Speaker E:He's gonna do something with his bag. Was he getting out of the business or he was going to pay everybody back?
Speaker B:Is that your answer?
Speaker E:Is it the correct answer? Turkeys roasting on an open fire.
Speaker B:So I take it you don't know the answer to that question. No. Okay, I'm handing it on to Stuart and Jade.
Speaker I:Promised to get married.
Speaker C:No, they were married.
Speaker B:They were married. Oh. The answer is he promised her the moon. He was going to make a lasso and he was going to pull the moon down to her. And she said, yes, I'll have that. So on to Stuart and Jade. The Bahesian, a 184foot yacht sank off the coast of which country in August 2024.
Speaker I:Sicily.
Speaker B:Good man. Thank you. Sicily.
Speaker C:Completely nuts.
Speaker B:Well done.
Speaker F:Who just snorted?
Speaker C:Me. That was the best. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, dear.
Speaker B:No, I love.
Speaker C:Scores on the doors. So we have unfortunately, Yan has lost his life and I'm terribly sad.
Speaker D:Yeah, no, sorry.
Speaker C:Yeah. And then we actually have because unfortunately, Kevin was in the lead. Kevin and Kate. But now they're not because they missed their last one. So we have 1, 2, 3, 3, 4 people in the. In the lead. So we've Anne Farrell, Gordon, Anthony, Dave Nason and Stuart and Jade are the four people who are in the lead. And there you go. Yes. Okay. That's all I can tell you into.
Speaker B:Our last two rounds.
Speaker C:Two more rounds to everything could change everything, guys. Oh, my God. So exciting.
Speaker B:And Jan, I'm sorry that you've been kicked out of the. Of the competition at this stage. We do have a consolation prize for you which you'll be very happy to know we are. We are going to send you over a pair of meta Ray Ban glasses because they don't work.
Speaker D:Dumped by you.
Speaker B:Okay. I'm Gonna ask you this question. Which song was featured in the movie Barbie and won a Golden Globe for best original song in 2024? To make it easy. The Golden Globe for original song to make it easy. You can either. You can either give me the name of the song or you can give it the artist.
Speaker C:Yes, ma'am. Yeah. Billy Eilish.
Speaker B:Well done.
Speaker C:Very good.
Speaker B:Yeah, well done.
Speaker C:Does for. What was that made for help on that one?
Speaker B:What was. I meant.
Speaker C:But I knew that I couldn't think. The movie Barbie. It was the guy. It was his song, right? Yeah. No, it was the girl. It was the Barbie song. Kevin was singing it there, I think. Kevin Sherwin. Yeah.
Speaker H:Lovely song.
Speaker C:Nobody likes me. I can't even hear.
Speaker E:I'm looking forward to the blind guys check Christmas box set.
Speaker C:Oh my God. He might be waiting box.
Speaker B:No problem. Larry has plenty of food that is in boxes. We can send those over to you empty.
Speaker C:Sam, Harry, down there.
Speaker B:All right, over to. Over to. Over to Gordon.
Speaker A:Okay. Well, I'm very glad I didn't get that last question.
Speaker B:Which civilization celebrated Saturnalia? I may not have said that right, Gordon.
Speaker A:Oh, you've said it right.
Speaker B:Do you know the answer?
Speaker A:That would be the. That would be the ancient Romans.
Speaker B:Well done. Yes, absolutely.
Speaker E:Seminarian.
Speaker A:Saturn.
Speaker B:Saturnalia.
Speaker C:What the hell was it, Gordon?
Speaker A:It was. It was. It was a celebration they held at about this time of year. Oh yeah, it was just basically a five or six day party.
Speaker B:I think we're on to dear Jean Paul. Which country celebrates the giant lantern festival at Christmas?
Speaker G:We would think China.
Speaker B:Oh, you're so close.
Speaker G:Japan isn't.
Speaker B:So will you give it. You've given China as your answer. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to hand it over to David. David, do you know which country? Between two. I'm between two. Let's say Japan. Oh, it's Korea, isn't it? It's the Philippines. Oh, okay.
Speaker C:Either way, I'm okay with that. Then says David.
Speaker B:Yeah, good try. Very good try. Because it's an odd question.
Speaker C:That was a tough question.
Speaker B:Here comes David's question.
Speaker C:Oh, no. Oh no.
Speaker D:Oh no.
Speaker B:Which meat? Sorry, Dave, this is your question. Which meat is traditionally eaten in Japan for Christmas dinner? Lucky fried chicken.
Speaker C:Wow, that's amazing. How do you know that?
Speaker B:Chicken.
Speaker C:It's not just fried chicken. It's actually from KFC mostly. Yeah.
Speaker F:You have to make a reservation.
Speaker B:I don't know.
Speaker C:It's one of those things.
Speaker B:You've heard it or you haven't, I suppose.
Speaker C:Bizarre, isn't it?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Dave's in joint lead with two other people. We need to. We need to.
Speaker B:Okay. Can we. Okay. Nora.
Speaker C:Yep.
Speaker B:Which country officially joined NATO in March 2024, becoming the 32nd country to join NATO?
Speaker F:Is it Finland?
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker F:Or Sweden?
Speaker B:Is that. Sure. What?
Speaker C:Sweden and Sweden.
Speaker B:Okay. We can't be giving the game away. Well done. It is Sweden. Yeah. Kevin and Kevin's mom, Kate, yellow. They're. So you can give me. You can give me. You can give me two answer. You can be two here. Okay. I'll read the question. And I'd say you can give me two rather than three. Okay.
Speaker H:All right. For four points.
Speaker B:In May 2024, which countries recognize the Palestinian state?
Speaker C:Oh, officially recognized.
Speaker B:Yeah, officially recognized the Palestinian state. Give me two countries.
Speaker H:Ireland is one.
Speaker C:Yes.
Speaker B:Yes. Give me one more.
Speaker H:I don't know, another one. Do you want to just.
Speaker C:Possibly. Spain.
Speaker B:Well done.
Speaker H:Oh, well done, man.
Speaker B:Ireland. Spain and Norway.
Speaker C:We're the rebels.
Speaker D:Yeah, good. Rebels.
Speaker C:Absolutely. Damn straight we are.
Speaker D:We are so dumb. In the Netherlands, we don't do that.
Speaker C:Well, you've got this stuff going on in there, I suppose.
Speaker B:Kevin and Molly, in which country do they celebrate Christmas with fireworks in the street?
Speaker D:Christmas with shelter. Oh, Ticho would love that.
Speaker B:Kevin and Molly, in which country do they celebrate Christmas with fireworks in the street?
Speaker C:The street.
Speaker E:France.
Speaker C:France.
Speaker B:So I'm gonna hand it over to Stuart and Jay to see if they know the answer. Oh, no, unfortunately, you were wrong. Stuart and Jay, do you know the answer to that question?
Speaker I:We're thinking Guatemala.
Speaker B:It was Brazil. Tourists from all around the world were stranded in Belfast earlier this year. For what reason?
Speaker I:Oh, yeah, because a cruise ship that they were on was unable to leave the port or at least leave the. The vicinity due to some paperwork.
Speaker B:Well, yeah, you're right about the paperwork.
Speaker I:Sorry.
Speaker B:No, it's okay. You got the right answer. Originally, the original problem was that the Odyssey, which is a cruise ship, and it was going to set cruise around the world, it had problems with its rudder and with the gearbox. But when people got back on, when people actually got on the cruise ship to go off, they only barely made it outside Belfast harbor, and they had to come back because the paperwork was incorrect.
Speaker I:So are we correct? Do we get the points?
Speaker B:You're absolutely right.
Speaker D:Yes, for sure.
Speaker I:Thank you.
Speaker B:Scores before our last round. Last round coming up, folks.
Speaker C:We have four people in the lead with eight. So I think we're going to need to break out some more tiebreakers. But we have one more round, so hopefully think that we'll. So We've got an Farrell, Gordon, Anthony, Dave Nason and Stuart and Jade.
Speaker B:Okay, here we go. Round five.
Speaker C:Oh, sorry, I should say Deirdre and Paul and Kevin and Molly. Be careful. You're only on one life left. Now it's only one round left, so you should be fine.
Speaker B:But just to say so, we're over to Anne Farrell, who's known for saying the line ba humbug.
Speaker C:Oren. No.
Speaker E:We didn't get that. You repeat it.
Speaker B:Okay, I will do. Yep. Who is known for saying the line bah humbug.
Speaker C:Scrooge.
Speaker B:Yep. Okay, I'll say that. Ebenezer Scrooge. Well done.
Speaker C:Excellent. Well done. Anne, get any of those? They're protesting the questions. Who are questions?
Speaker E:She gets all. She's right here with us and she gets the easy questions and we get what country did the firework word Tell.
Speaker C:Oren, I'll appreciate the heads up. I agree.
Speaker E:I think dispute over Christmas dinner. Thanks to you.
Speaker C:There have to be a Stewart's inquiry afterwards, I think. Kevin.
Speaker B:All right, Gordon. I'm not saying another word. Gordon, your question. What is Santa Claus called in France?
Speaker A:Oh, dear. Oh, dear. I'll take a complete guess. I'm like per Noel.
Speaker B:Well done. Yes, that's correct. Well done. Yeah.
Speaker D:You are so good.
Speaker C:And Jan, if you could see him, he's literally lying down on his couch. He's so laid back. It's amazing.
Speaker B:It's.
Speaker A:It's. It's the beer. Yan.
Speaker D:Cheers.
Speaker B:Okay, Deirdre and Paul, over to you. The 2024 Paris Olympics were held in what city?
Speaker G:Is this a trick question or.
Speaker B:I don't know. That's the question.
Speaker G:Paris.
Speaker D:No.
Speaker C:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker B:Exactly the reaction they wanted.
Speaker G:Are you just being kind to the thorn?
Speaker B:Well done. Two points. David, what is the traditional Christmas dessert in the United Kingdom? John Pudding. Well done. Yeah. John pudding.
Speaker C:Yuck.
Speaker B:Oh, yum. Who's getting this? Nora.
Speaker F:Yes, sir.
Speaker B:What's what spicy Christmas drink is known as goo wine in Germany. I've probably said it wrong.
Speaker F:Could you read it again?
Speaker B:Yep. What spicy Christmas drink is known as gluwein in Germany?
Speaker F:Mulled wine.
Speaker B:Well done, Nora. Mulled wine.
Speaker C:Two points. Very good, Kevin. Kate and Puggles.
Speaker B:Kevin. Oh, yeah. Okay. In the movie Love, actually, which actor plays the character of David, the newly elected prime minister? Oh, do you know that?
Speaker H:I know you remember him dancing around the number 10. It is Hugh Grant.
Speaker B:Nice. Well done. Two points.
Speaker H:Okay, thanks.
Speaker C:The least believable prime minister ever in a movie.
Speaker B:Movie.
Speaker F:Where every relationship is entirely dysfunctional.
Speaker C:Yes, really. Actually very problematic, some of them.
Speaker B:Kevin and Molly. What character did the actor Kathleen O'Hara play in the movie Home Alone? Kevin's mom. Very good. Yes. Well done, Stuart.
Speaker F:Okay.
Speaker B:Yeah, he's too busy playing with the cat. Which country will be the first to ring in the new year of 2025?
Speaker F:Ah, Christmas Island.
Speaker B:Is that your answer is?
Speaker C:Are you sure?
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker C:Yep.
Speaker B:Well done. That's the end of that round and basically that's the end of the quiz. But we might be stuck because we might have tiebreakers.
Speaker C:We definitely have tiebreakers. Okay, so we have four people in the lead with 10 points each. Basically, they got nothing wrong at all. Not even one. And that is Anne Farrell, who wasn't even intending to be a participant at all. So thanks for that, Anne. Mr. Laid back. Gordon Anthony, Dave Nason and Stuart and Jade. So tiebreaker time.
Speaker B:Okay, so tiebreaker time. So I gotta go in order. So we have. Gordon would be first in line. Oh, sorry, Anne's first.
Speaker C:And Gordon, David and Stuart and Jade.
Speaker B:Okay. Okay. Which country won the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest?
Speaker C:Sound contest?
Speaker B:Which country? 2024. Song contest.
Speaker C:Of. Song contest. I don't know.
Speaker B:Okay, I'm gonna hand it on to Gordon because he would have been next in line if he knows the answer.
Speaker A:Not really. No. I told you anything past 1990.
Speaker C:Meanwhile, Kevin Sherwin is jumping up and down.
Speaker A:I'll take a. I'll take a guess. Somewhere in Europe and we'll try Ireland.
Speaker B:Dave, can you. Do you know the answer?
Speaker E:I do.
Speaker B:It's Switzerland. Well done. It is Switzerland. Gordon.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:Which. Which member of Blind Guys Chat is to. Is to star in his debut film in January 2025.
Speaker A:That would be Mr. Jan Bloom.
Speaker C:Yeah, very good.
Speaker B:Two points.
Speaker C:Dave is next.
Speaker B:Okay, Dave is next. Dave. In episode 112 of Blind Guys Chat, David Renstrom was demonstrating what new piece of tech meta Ray Bans. Correct.
Speaker C:Dave Stewart. Yep.
Speaker B:Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light from now on.
Speaker I:Our troubles will be out of sight.
Speaker B:Very good. Okay, two points for Stuart and Jim. What's the scores now? Do we have a winner?
Speaker C:We do. It's Dave Nason. Congratulations. Dave has 14 points. Stuart Jade of 12. Gordon Anthony is 12. And Aaron has 12, has 10 now.
Speaker D:Congratulations.
Speaker C:Well done, Dave.
Speaker I:Congratulations.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:€50Amazon voucher will wing its way over to you sometime in the new year once we scrape enough money together to get you the voucher. Oh, well done, Dave. That's.
Speaker D:That's.
Speaker B:Thank you to everyone who took part in our BGC quiz. 2024 mayhem. But it was good fun and we want to wish you a very happy Christmas. To everybody who.
Speaker E:The only questions we missed were the ones you asked.
Speaker C:I'll be the boss next year, Kevin. Don't worry.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker B:Okay, folks, that's it.
Speaker D:Thank you.
Speaker B:Byebye.
Happy Christmas to one and all! We hope you have an enjoyable break this Christmas holiday season.
This show is our annual, twice yearly, every 4 years BGC Christmas Quiz featuring some of our BGC listeners and guests. We have contestants from St. Louis, Boston, Scotland, Dublin and even County Clare in the West of Ireland.
So, put the leftover turkey in the fridge, throw away those yucky sprouts, and settle in for some festive mayhem on the show that keeps giving you Christmas all year round: Blind Guys Chat!
12 out of 16 Christmas movies prefer it to being Christmas movies!
Links in this show: Things Gay People Like Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/02N4vAlIPR6NWTrIM6iTAt?uid=null&uri=spotify:episode:2hRdnGHjgHQIcRfuRI3nyG
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